4 Stage Anaerobic Digestion
Proven. Efficient. Economical. Reliable.
All AD equipment can, to varying degrees, process feedstocks containing woody biomass.
Our difference is an advanced 4-Stage process which can economically and efficiently turn high lignocellulosic feedstock into biogas.
NEWT Energy utilizes a unique 4 stage methanogenesis process to convert 100% woody biomass / lignocellulose such as forestry and agriculture residues into biogas.
When coupled with state-of-the-art pre- and post-digestion technologies the RNG (biomethane) output from our system provides the industry's best conversion of biomass feedstock into biogas.
Proven technology for the most demanding & varied applications
Although AD has been used for decades in Europe, only now is it coming to the fore in North America where demand for clean replacement fuels is skyrocketing.
Not surprisingly, there are an increasing number of companies who seem keen to promote home-grown technologies.
Our approach is to use proven and reliable AD technology instead of reinventing the wheel. Besides allowing us to develop projects more quickly this makes our projects bankable right from the beginning.
By focusing on the project, rather than developing new AD technology where great solutions already exist, we can be producing biogas while everyone else is still walking up and down the starting line.