NEWT Energy has identified close to 100 opportunities in Western Canada to develop Renewable Natural Gas production facilities.
Our first mega-project is a mega-tonne livestock, agricultural and forestry waste-to-energy projects in Southern Alberta called the Lethbridge County Bio-Cluster ONE.
With support of multiple levels of government, indigenous groups and integrated energy companies, we have the ability to combine economic and environmental sustainability in a way that adds value, reduces waste, build communties and creates jobs for the foreseeable future.

Compressed Renewable Natural Gas
More than just clean energy
We welcome inquiries from any of the following:
Livestock, farming, forestry and agri-foods producers who have significant volumes of residual by-products for sale or disposal.
Indigenous groups including business development arms with an interest in renewable energy and access to agriculture or forest lands and facilities.
Communities with business development agencies, municipalities, investment funds, energy companies, accredited investors including banks, pension funds and agencies with an interest in acquiring long term (10 - 20 year) secure cashflows with attractive rates for return on investment.