Logging residues including slash piles, trimmings and thinnings.
Sawmill residues including bark, trim, ends, shavings, sawdust and hog fuel.
Papermill residues such as black liquor.
All types of grain and crop residues including damaged grain, straw, spoiled silage, corn stover, beet tops and tips, vines, vegetables, potatoes, sugar cane , mushroom manure and more.
Manure from producers of feeder cattle, dairy cows, swine, poultry , etc.
Residuals of all types including fruits and vegetables such as corn, beets, potatoes, bagasse, process water, etc.
All types of grains, mash, pulp, stems, etc.
Whey, spoilage, waste water, etc.
All that yucky stuff left over after municipal and certain industrial wastewaters are separated from solid materials.
Technically speaking the collection and refinement of LFG produced by the decay of municipal solid waste can be upgraded to Biomethane. We have a better idea. Just ask us and we will make you an offer you can’t “refuse”.